Attila Richard Lukacs is known predominantly for his paintings of male skinheads, primates and American military cadets during the early 1990s. These brutally explicit works shocked and provoked a generation of painters and critics alike.
Works by Lukacs are included in numerous collections including the Vancouver Art Gallery, Musee D’Art Contemporain in Montreal and the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa.
Additional information on Lukacs and his work may be found on his artist page.
Boy with Green Arm, 1998Edition 7/40, 18-colour silkscreen on 4-ply museum board, with handpainted additions of varnish, acrylic and tar (each piece is unique) 76 x 60 inches
Boy with Green ArmInstallation view
We are currently sold out of canvases by Attlia Richard Lukacs, in addition to “Boy with Green Arm” a selection of works on paper are listed here.
Please for additional information about this artist.