Attila Richard Lukacs produced The Brandenburg series of works in the late 1980’s while living in Berlin, Comprised of 25 paintings on maps of Berlin, the works are based on symbols that were created for a pre-war German industrial exposition.

Attila Richard Lukacs, “The Young Spartans Challenge the Boys to Fight – after Degas’ Young Spartans Exercising and Caravaggio’s The Calling of St. Matthew”
Lukacs designated a colour for each symbol: red, blue, brown, black and white. They were featured in what is probably his most memorable painting The Young Spartans Challenge the Boys to Fight – after Degas’ Young Spartans Exercising and Caravaggio’s The Calling of St. Matthew.
Brandenburg Series (Black Hammer), 1989
Schwarger peter and oil on paper
38 x 52 inches
Brandenburg Series (Black Wreath), 1989
Schwarger peter and oil on paper
38 x 53 inches
“Taking sex out of the bedroom and into the boardrooms of science and social power, Lukacs flagrantly violates the sacramental laws of private and public, and flouts the edict that manhood is synonymous with mastery. ” Lynn Ruscheinsky
A small selection of Brandenburg works are available through the gallery, please contact us at or for pricing and availability.
Related Items
- Attila Richard Lukacs available works
- Secondary Market works by Lukacs
- Boy with the Green Arm